Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Benjamin Franklin and Abe Lincoln had hundreds of sayings about wisdom. Both are heroes of mine. I am afraid they would be disappointed by the current state of affairs. We have been foolish with our ideas about health, wealth, and wisdom. More and more young adults are working in low-paying service industry positions, living on junk food, and not pursuing higher education. Isn't it time to wise up? There is always hope and education is a life-long process.

Does age bring wisdom? I imagine experience does. I have always enjoyed the Grimm Fairy Tales in which horrendous things happen to children that misbehave. It's the classic tragedy formula mastered by Euripides. Learn from your mistakes or die trying! He is quoted as saying: "The brash unbridled tongue, the lawless folly of fools, will end in pain. But the life of wise content is blest with quietness, escapes the storm and keeps its house secure. He who best enjoys each passing day is truly blest." Which speaks for itself but is the same thing that the wise from the buddha on down the line says; practice kindness and live in the moment. Carpe Diem - Yes, savor each day! And make sure to show love, charity, and encouragement to everyone. That is what truly makes each day rewarding.

Friday, October 19, 2007


When anyone sets out to discover, learn, or create something. They are adding to who they are. Sort of a renewal, whether concious or unconcious, occurs. Make it concious, promise yourself that today you are going to read, paint, talk, share, and somehow add to your life. Make it a true renewal, drop a bad habit, forgive yourself for something stupid you did, forgive someone else, recycle, volunteer, write a check to your local humane society ...
Renewal can be a life-changing event or just something positive you do on a normal day. Each day, each moment is all we have, learn, love, enjoy!
Seeking knowledge, wisdom, peace, and joy? Write to me at

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


When you think about what it takes to accomplish anything - focus is the real key. You have to have a goal and a timeframe; after that, mindfulness is the tool that moves us forward. We must be focused on researching, creating, writing, or whatever our project requires. It sounds simple but everyone has varying degrees of success staying on task and really concentrating on what they are doing right now.
We think about other things we have to accomplish, we procrastinate and meander around the goal, especially if it is something that doesn't seem important, or doesn't hold our interest. Mindfulness is a discipline, it is a tennant of buddhist teaching, it is "living in the moment", it is using your brain to help you, heal you, love your partner, and focus on your goals!
If you'd like to learn more or just talk: email - or call 651-747-6582.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Thinker

I believe we are life-long students and everyone we meet is a teacher. It seems like the world is going mad - hangman nooses at schools - civil war in Iraq - 13 year olds sharing meth in the school lunchroom - and our elected officials arguing about everything, but doing nothing.
Who can you count on? Yourself, for one.
Think about some of your goals. Were they just out of reach? You can make your goals more attainable by focusing on them as lessons to complete - like a homework assingment. How did we learn in school? The teacher went over the methods in class, we did our homework, and prepared for our tests. How well we did on those tests depended on our focus and committment.
Can you have anything you want just by being focused on your goals? In many cases it is that simple. Maintaining focus is the part that comes easy for some, and not so easy to others. I can train you to improve your focus, define your goals, and bring together the powers of the mind, body and spirit in a way that will make you more confident, more attractive, and more successful.
I do not charge a thing to answer questions, explain my philosophy, or help you determine a direction toward your goals. If you want to talk just give me a call - Jonny - 651-747-6851 or send emails to